aesthetic pariah #1
1998, charcoal, ink and erasure on paper 96" X 52"
aesthetic pariah #2
1998, charcoal, ink and erasure on paper 96" X 52"
Chuck and Keith
2005, charcoal on paper, 84" X 52"
Dad, Kenny and Me
1995, charcoal and acrylic on craft paper, 84" X 48"
Mom, Kenny and Me
1995, charcoal and acrylic on craft paper, 84" X 48"
There Not There
1995, charcoal and acrylic on craft paper, 76" X 48"
Portriat of the Artist as the Artist (Max Beckmann)
1993, charcoal and acrylic on craft paper, 84" X 36"
Assailable Metempsychosis
2004, charcoal and pastel on paper, 96" X 52"
Contemplative Metempsychosis
2004, charcoal and pastel on paper, 96" X 52"
The Metempsychosis of Keith Morris Washington as Ami Callius Spoke My Name
2005, charcoal and pastel on paper, 96" X 52"
Daddy's Girl
2008, charcoal and pastel on paper, 84" X 52"